A Reflection from Budapest


I just want to share something I’ve been thinking about today, and it’s a little hard to put into words, so bear with me.

I have met a lot of people along the way. Mostly we just exchange some pleasant conversation. It’s fairly repetitive; I tell them about what I have done, where I am going next, sometimes I give a recommendation as to where to eat.

But a conversation I had recently made something click. It is important to me that I reflect on my journey as a collection of moments. Each is important and unique to the others. And they stick with me, in my heart, as I move on to my next destination.

I wrote about a powerful moment I had on the shores of the east coast of Iceland, with the wind whipping my hair and rain pounding on my face. It was incredibly powerful. Not each one has been so exotic, and sometimes a moment sticks with me because it is familiar, like when I was laughing with Emmett Donlon and my sister Saskia as we listened to music and dyed our hair in Wegberg.

But the important thing about a moment is that it ends. I could not have stayed on that shore without my coat for long. It was important for myself that I ended that moment, and move on to the next one.

As much as I want to, I know that I will never remember everything. But these moments have been so vital to my development over the past weeks, and I really want to remember them above all else.

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