Menstruation Station – Dealing with My Period During Travel

One for the menstruators (and everyone else who needs to get educated)!

You’re on a beautiful vacation in the Caribbean and *surprise* put away those white bikini bottoms and say hello to cold sweats because you are on your period! Everyone periods differently, but today I would like to share some tools that have really helped me over the years.

Up until a year ago, I used strictly pads and tampons to manage my period. Really, they were the only options I had ever considered for menstruation management. Everywhere I went, I kept a small baggie with me just in case I needed them. I had my preferred brand, so when I traveled, I found myself stocking up so that I wouldn’t run out. This became an issue when I started taking extended trips with minimal luggage and after one to many hostel bathrooms without a trash can (presumably run by non-menstruating people).

I switched to a menstrual cup in 2017 and though it took time to get used to it, I have not used a pad or tampon since. Most people know the Diva Cup brand, but I went for a Blossom Cup because it was, well, cheaper. I also invested in two pairs of Thinx over the past year, which are period underwear that (depending on your flow and the type that you use) can replace pads and tampons. I use them as a back-up to my cup on the first couple days of my cycle. They help me worry a little less about bleeding on those white hostel sheets. When I travel, I love that I only have to pack the cup and two pairs of underwear. They take up very little space and I have stopped being nervous about those convenience store trips.

Sometimes it is a challenge to keep these tools clean. It can feel a little awkward if someone walks into the bathroom and sees me bent over the sink washing large amounts of blood from a pair of underwear, plus they take a while to dry. And switching out a cup in a public bathroom can be a messy affair, but I’ve found that usually I can just empty it and wait to clean it until I’m in a private one.

The final ingredient for me is a small container of advil. This comes with me everywhere because I get pretty awful, adventure-ruining cramps. I can get a tampon from a sympathetic lady in a pinch, but advil is a little harder to come by.

Luckily, I’m not caught off guard as often these days because I use a period tracking app. That way, when I know I’m getting close, I can be sure to have everything I might need on-hand.

Pro Tip!
Do you love a hot pat when you’ve got cramps but are you traveling without one? Put your computer over your uterus and hope that it overheats.

It’s no fun having to change your plans or miss out on fun when you get a bad case of the womanhood, but it always helps to be prepared. If you’re traveling with a partner, let them know what’s coming and that it might affect your ability to be out-and-about. And when you’re feeling awful, find small pleasures to help you feel better. Have a night in and watch a movie from your hostel bed! Indulge in some chocolate! You deserve it!

I have an endless supply of unfortunate period stories from my travels, but they’ve become a little less traumatic in the last year or so. Menstruating readers – I would love to hear your stories, tips, tricks, questions, fears, etc! Happy perioding!

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