Where She Slept – Minneapolis, MN, USA

I had the pleasure of staying in Minneapolis with my brother for about a week, and it was an absolute blas My stay was filled with bike rides around the city, evenings on the porch feeding the neighborhood stray cats, and soaking in the sun at the park.

The morning light in this room was so delightful, it almost made me want to just move right in, and for the week I was there, I felt a lot like I was a part of the rhythm of the house and its inhabitants. I cooked dinner, binged New Girl on the couch, and came and went as I pleased. It was a comforting stability after my adventures hiking, driving, and camping my way west.

The first night I slept on this air mattress, I woke up to find my back on the ground. Over the course of the night, a small hole had caused it to deflate, and I lay in the middle, looking quite a bit like a hot dog in its bun. I helped my brother patch it up and spent another night on it, only to wake up in the same position. Honestly, it was kind of comforting, being swallowed by the mattress. But my brother took pity on me and he got a new one and the rest of the week I slept soundly two feet up off the ground.

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