On Spontaneity…

Not for the first time on my trip, I found myself extremely happy to be traveling alone and without an itinerary when I hopped in a car out of Fez. I had been strolling back after a tour of the city when I bumped into a group of people I recognized from the hostel I was staying in. They invited me to come along with them on a trip out of the city and I of course jumped at the opportunity, unprepared and excited for an unplanned adventure.

Some of my best memories from Morocco are from this day. We zoomed over low-lying mountains and hills, forests of olive trees, and small villages where locals sold pomegranates on the side of the road. Our driver told us stories and we listened intently as we looked out over a valley.


We climbed over and explored around Volubilis, the site of ancient Roman ruins. I’ve been to Rome before and I’ve seen the ruins there, but being out in the middle of no where, without skyscrapers or a hint of a modern skyline, took me back in time in a completely new way.


The trip continued at Moulay Idriss Zerhoun, where Moulay Idriss arrived in the eighth century, bringing Islam to Morocco. The town is perched on a mountainside with breathtaking views of the surrounding area. A bit out of the way for many tourists, it felt more authentic, with donkeys “parked” next to cars and women carrying heavy baskets up steep alleyway staircases. There the city sat, perched on a mountainside, a stark white against the brown hills surrounding it.


We chased the sun to Meknes, where I sat and watched it set over the old city with my new friends. As we ate dinner, we watched snake charmers at work in the square before, exhausted, we climbed back into the car and headed back to Fez. I parted ways with my friends and I assume that we’ll never see each other again, but we’ll always have our memories of the adventure we all went on together.


My willingness to be spontaneous is what made this day so special. It’s what has made this trip so special. It’s scary sometimes to not have a plan, to not know where you’re going to sleep that night, to hop in a car with (virtually) complete strangers. But, with a bit of caution, those chances that I have taken have resulted in some of the most incredible journeys.

So here’s to not planning ahead and to taking chances and to all of the amazing things that happen when you do.

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