Metropolis Morocco – A Few Days in Casablanca

Though I spent much of my time in Casablanca feeling pretty sick, I did get to spend a few days exploring the city that, according to a taxi driver, was “the Switzerland of Morocco.” I assume he is referring to the fact that it is a business and banking center because other than that, I saw no comparison between the clean, organized way of life in Switzerland and the wild, loud, dirty one of Casablanca.

Casablanca is considered the most “modern” city in Morocco. There is a bit more nightlife and it is a bit more of a typical urban metropolis. But don’t mistake it for a safe, suburban city – the streets are covered in litter, stray cats prowl the sidewalks and alleyways and I never left the apartment I stayed in without being catcalled. As obnoxious as it is, it’s something you just have to ignore. Dressing somewhat modestly will help, as will travelling with a man. But it’s just going to happen no matter what.

But like all of Morocco, with it’s endless frustrations come incredible memories. Here are where I had some of my best ones…

Rick’s Cafe


The first thing that pops into many peoples’ minds when they think of Casablanca is the film starring Humphrey Bogart. But none of the movie was actually filmed in Morocco! In 2004, a Rick’s Cafe was opened for tourists looking for the Casablanca experience. It’s easy to miss, but look for the dark windows and the sign hanging way up above the door. Because alcohol is served there, the place is kept hidden and it’s pretty pricey. But I just had to visit, so I shared a banana split with a friend and we had a great time chatting with the bartender. It was definitely worth it!

Ain Diab


Take a break and hop on the T1 Tram towards Ain Diab and ride it all the way to the last stop. You will find yourself in a very different part of Casablanca, with sandy beaches lined with restaurants and cafes. The (relatively) fresh air out there will do you some good and you may even relax a little! While I didn’t go for a swim, I did get to put my feet in the water and watch the sun set. I found a little comfort knowing that on the other side of all that water was home. 

Hassan II Mosque


This famous mosque is the main draw for many visitors to Casablanca. It is one of the largest mosques in the world and the only one in Morocco that welcomes non-Muslim visitors. I tried to visit a few times but my plans were thwarted by lack of planning, so I ended up getting up early on my last day for a 9 AM tour. It was totally worth it – this place is incredible and was a great change up from the cathedrals and basilicas I’ve been marveling at over the past month.


Not everyone is lucky enough to have one of their dearest friends waiting for them in Morocco, and I am happy to say that my best memories were the ones I made with her.


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